IBM PowerVM Consulting (AIX, Linux, IBMi & VIO Servers)

PowerVM consulting, the hypervisor for critical systems

PowerVM is the most powerful, reliable and secure virtualization technology on the market. Designed for IBM Power servers, it allows virtualization of AIX, Linux (Red Hat, Suse and Ubuntu) and IBM i systems. It is a hypervisor based on the same technology that supports Mainframe systems (IBM Z), with no known vulnerabilities and with capabilities and performance far beyond other commercial solutions. It facilitates utilization of more than 90% of the installed processors and the creation of pools between them to optimize (and reduce) the use of licenses. Thanks to PowerVM we can virtualize an entire Data Center on a single IBM Power10 system, supporting up to 240 cores and 64TB of RAM. Unlike other alternatives such as ESXi, each Power system has 2, 4 or more VIOS servers that provide full redundancy for communications and storage, and systems can be upgraded without the need to move any virtual machine (LPAR) or reboot the physical systems.

If the applications are not the same, neither are the operating systems: but they all work better with PowerVM.

AIX is the leading enterprise UNIX operating system on the market, an essential part of the most critical technological infrastructures. Designed for IBM’s POWER processor architecture, it enables thedeployment of secure, highly availableinfrastructures capable of rapidly adapting to changing business needs. There are no more stable systems for large Oracle or Informix databases, SAP, SAS environments and countless financial applications. It has all kinds of high availability and security capabilities, and version 7.3 has just been released and will be supported for the next decade.

IBM i is an integrated system, heir of the AS/400 system that combines in the same environment the operating system, the databases and an infinity of applications and functionalities for applications based on languages such as ILE RPG and COBOL. Its latest version is 7.5 and includes increasing support for open source technologies and programming languages such as python, nodejs or ruby.

Linux needs no introduction, but for years all packages released by SUSE, Ubuntu and Red Hat have had ppc64le architecture equivalents. That meansyou can deploy any Linux application on Power in the same way as you would on x86 or ARM. We also support your open distributions such as Rocky Linux, Alma Linux, OpenSUSE, Debian and CentOS Stream.

We help you install, upgrade and maintain your IBM Power servers.

Our PowerVM consulting services include
PowerVM consulting services include:

  • Initial security and performance audit of IBM Power servers
  • Design or update of PowerVM architectures
  • Annual operating system upgrades (AIX, IBM i or Linux)
  • Updating of HMCs, VIO servers, firmware of Power systems and network cards
  • Continuous securization of environments
  • Free advice on licensing and potential cost savings in infrastructure renewal
  • Annual report on the condition of the infrastructure
  • Up to 40% discount on servers, upgrades and licenses
  • Optional reduced-price support for IBM Spectrum Scale, Protect & Virtualize
  • Optional 24×7 or 8×5 support at a reduced price for the IBM Power and Lenovo infrastructure stack