IBM AIX Certified Administrator Training Workshop

Presentation and objectives

We present an eminently practical workshop designed to prepare participants for successful AIX 7.3 Administrator certification .
This intensive course is available in two formats: a one-week format for quick immersion, or an extended month-long format, ideal for those who need to combine training with other job responsibilities.

Our goal is to provide you with all the assistance you need to pass this demanding certification exam.
The workshop includes hands-on practice in IBM Power environments with AIX 7.3, ensuring that participants gain relevant practical experience.
In addition, we provide comprehensive support materials and personalized tutorials, both in-person and remote classes, conducted by certified instructors with more than 15 years of experience in the AIX field.


  • AIX Systems Architecture
  • What’s new in version 7.3 and Power10?
  • Use of the HMC and basic operations on LPARs
  • Installing the operating system
  • Using the console and scripting
  • System administration
  • Storage Management and ODM
  • Setting up the communications network
  • Security, groups and users
  • Workload partitions
  • Problem determination
  • Fault tolerance and performance adjustment
  • Best practices
  • Correcting exams type and resolution of doubts

Once the training is completed, we offer an additional workshop at no extra cost, where different exclusive and verified exam models will be solved to consolidate the acquired knowledge and prepare participants for the certification exam.


This workshop is aimed at experienced Linux or UNIX users who wish to obtain the AIX Administrator V2 certification .
The training is designed to optimize their knowledge and skills in AIX 7 administration, preparing them to successfully take the certification exam and apply it in their professional environments.

Our instructors

At SIXE we have several IBM Champions, who are also available to teach our official and proprietary courses.
In addition to their extensive experience with IBM AIX and Power servers, they are co-authors of redbooks, technical publications and even IBM certification exams.
