Sealpath IRM is our choice

To protect the confidentiality of your organization’s most valuable information. Manage the lifecycle of your data easily. Comply with GDPR.

Internal risks

We all know that the famous “is confidential, please don’t send it to anyone” many times it doesn’t work. Neither an opening password nor the Permission Restriction of Word or Adobe entail scant for any relevant protection. We are constantly exposed to misses and threats: a lost USB key, a wrong recipient of an email or Dropbox account had access to third parties. “Human” errors that can trigger the loss of sensitive and valuable data that affect both the business or the reputation of the organization.

External threats

Information theft within more sophisticated attacks can include the use of malicious software, exploitation of unknown vulnerabilities or misuse of employee accounts. This is where Sealpath’s IRM solution plays an essential role in protecting our data and complying with different data protection regulations such as GDPR. This technology will also help you with other similar regulations worldwide.

Avoiding fines and, as we often say jokingly (and seriously), “goingout in thepapers” is in our opinion more necessary (and simple) thanever.

Your data always under your control

Thanks to this IRM you will continue to own all the information contained in those files regardless of where you are and to whom it has been sent. That is, even if you have reached someone by mistake, are in the hands of a former employee or even if you have inadvertently shared it in a chain and have taken the world three times, with a simple click you can revoke those permissions. It’s as simple, it is powerful.

What is an IRM?

IRM stands for Information Rights Managementthat is, an information rights management and control solution. Explained in other words it is a software that will allow us to control at all times the rights of reading, modifying, printing or sharing a document that requires some kind of protection. They also allow you to have a history of who has done what with each document: for example how many times it has been printed and to whom it has been sent.


What solutions are there?

Of all the existing tools, Sealpath IRM is our choice. Easily explained, it allows you to protect the most sensitive documents with a drag-and-drop operation. That is why we find it ideal for any user profile, being especially useful for companies where information flows from “bottom to top”.
It is of little use to have expensive security systems for management if we forget about the employees that form the organization’s base and from which the information that we will have to protect is generated.
With Sealpath IRM documents are sealed and encrypted in a transparent way in front of the user. Unlike other solutions, it avoids unnecessary complexities and is compatible with many formats and programs: Microsoft Office, Outlook, Box, OneDrive, AutoCAD, MacOS, etc.

Our experience

SIXE is an authorized Sealpath Business Partner. If you decide on this solution we will accompany you throughout the deployment and integration of the solution. No intermediaries or sub-contracts. We will also assist you in training your staff to get the most out of the product. Immediately complying with the fundamentals of the GDPR and other similar data protection regulations is more than ever at your fingertips.

Most common examples of use

Our customers use this product to protect CAD designs in industrial environments, personal data (regulated by the famous GDPR), confidential customer information, contracts and business plans. In the healthcare sector, the control of histories and clinical data would be other examples.

Request a no obligation demo

Request a demonstration at your facilities or remotely (via Webex) without obligation. It will take you no more than half an hour and during it we will show you the features of Sealpath IRM. We will also solve any questions that may arise and recommend the architecture that best suits your needs.
