IBM Spectrum Scale Course (GPFS)

IBM Spectrum Scale, based on IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS™), is a proven, scalable, high-performance file management system that is being widely used in multiple industries around the world. IBM Spectrum Scale provides simplified data management and integrated information lifecycle tools capable of managing petabytes of data and billions of files to address the rising cost of managing amounts of data increasing data.


Systems administrators, architects and pre-sale engineers with extensive UNIX or Linux experience. For new administrators we recommend taking one of our intensive GNU/Linux management courses first.


  • IBM Spectrum Scale architectures and deployment options
  • Installation of IBM Spectrum Scale
  • Creation of a GPFS cluster
  • Configuration of concurrent file systems
  • NSD client configuration
  • ILM and data lifecycle management
  • Protocol nodes for SMB, NFS and Objects
  • Backup, restore data and cluster recovery
  • System monitoring and high availability
  • Multi-cluster environments
  • Use of AFM and distributed cache systems
  • Performance tuning
  • Problem determination
  • Best practices
  • Open laboratory
  • Sixe’s consulting and technical support services offering

Course length

The course is usually delivered as a 3 to 9 day workshop depending on the modules to be taught and the previous knowledge of the students.


All our training is delivered directly by our engineers. Only in this way can we guarantee the highest quality of our courses. The materials and laboratories we use are both official IBM materials and self-developed. They are based on our experience during the deployments, migrations and trainings we have conducted over the past years.
