Red Hat Linux v9 New Features Course

For system administrators with experience in Red Hat, Centos, and Fedora Linux.

This training is oriented to Linux system administrators based on Red Hat and its sister distributions such as CentOS and Fedora. During it, you’ll get your own Red Hat® 9 deployment up and running in a simple, hands-on workshop created from our experience as Cloud, Linux, and DevOps trainers and consultants.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux v9 introduces significant new features in several key areas, such as virtualization, container management and network configuration, adding to the enhancements in version 8.
In addition, RHEL 9 continues to build on the foundation laid by the systemd-based version 7, which revolutionized the administration of this operating system.
With Red Hat 9, these tools and technologies have been enhanced and optimized, offering administrators greater flexibility, security and efficiency in managing complex enterprise environments.


Systems administrators, architects and pre-sale engineers with extensive UNIX or Linux experience. For new administrators we recommend taking one of our intensive GNU/Linux management courses first.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 architecture

  • Introduction to RHEL 9 architecture and key components.
  • Architectural changes and improvements compared to previous versions.

Installation and migration from previous versions. Best practices

  • RHEL 9 installation procedures.
  • Migration strategies from RHEL 7 and RHEL 8.
  • Best practices to ensure a successful migration.
  • Compatibility and backward compatibility considerations.

3. Firewall and general network management updates

  • Upgrades at firewalld and its integration with the new network tools.
  • Advanced network configuration with nmcli and NetworkManager.
  • Implementation of network security policies with the new capabilities of RHEL 9.
  • Support and management of IPv6 networks and advanced network technologies.

4. Server provisioning and configuration with dnf, cockpit and composer

  • Use of DNF (substitute for YUM) for package management.
  • System and server administration through Cockpit.
  • Creating custom images with Composer.
  • Provisioning automation with Ansible and its integration in RHEL 9.

5. Fundamental changes in the operating system

  • Integration and enhancements to the Wayland-based graphical environment for desktops.
  • Authentication management with Authselect and its evolution in RHEL 9.
  • NTP configuration with Chrony: New functionalities and optimizations.
  • Updates and compatibility with new Python versions (including Python 3.9 and later).

6. New technologies in storage management

  • Implementation and optimization of storage with Statris.
  • Advanced use of VDO (Virtual Data Optimizer) for data reduction.
  • Best practices for NFS configuration and management in RHEL 9 environments.
  • Introduction and management of new storage technologies such as NVMe over Fabrics.

7. Improvements in container management

  • Container management with Podman and Buildah.
  • Container integration and orchestration with Kubernetes and OpenShift.
  • Container safety and insulation upgrades.
  • New features and management tools for containers in RHEL 9.

8. Upgrading the virtualization environment (RHEV – oVirt)

  • Improvements in the RHEV virtualization platform and its integration with RHEL 9.
  • Advanced management of virtual machines and resources.
  • Implementation of high availability and disaster recovery solutions.
  • Migration and upgrade of virtualized environments from previous versions.

9. Troubleshooting

    • Diagnosing and troubleshooting common problems in RHEL 9.
    • Use of advanced monitoring and logging tools.
    • Failure management and recovery strategies.
    • Resolution of specific migration and upgrade issues.

Note:Red Hat® is a registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc. SIXE is not currently affiliated with the Red Hat training department. We exclusively offers tailor-made training and consulting with own-made materials, purchased from third parties or with open licenses.

Course length

This training is usually taught as a 3-day workshop in person or remotely. If administrators come from systems prior to Red Hat 7, an additional training day may be required.


All our training is delivered directly by our engineers. Only in this way can we guarantee the highest quality of our courses. The materials and laboratories we use are self-crafted and based on our experience during the deployments, migrations and courses we have taken over the last 15 years.
