Intensive hands-on training on Linux systems

In recent years, Red Hat™ and SUSE™ as well as their community distributions (Fedora, CentOS, Rocky Linux, Alma Linux, OpenSUSE) are no longer an alternative but the technological foundation of companies and organizations around the world. They have been joined by Canonical Ubuntubased on Debian, which has long since ceased to be a desktop distribution to serve as the basis for much of the Internet as we know it. Whether you come from Windows or from your experience with “classic” UNIX systems(AIX™, Solaris™, HP-UX™) we can help you train and help you master Linux in all its forms and flavors.

We have been developing customized Linux courses and training since 2005. In Linux systems we put all our experience as consultants and system integrators. We have worked with Línux in areas ranging from satellites to 3D design, servers of all kinds, distributions designed for autonomous cars, airplanes, home automation solutions and even industrial control systems.

Training provided directly by our staff

All the Linux courses we offer below are taught directly and without intermediaries. This is the only way we can offer the highest quality in our training offer, guarantee the excellence of our courses and remain true to our principles. If you do not need something customized and oriented to the role to be performed, we also offer official training from manufacturers such as IBM, Red Hat or Lenovo.

What do our Linux courses include?

Todos nuestros cursos y talleres prácticos incluyen:

  • 💡Material teórico adaptado a la distribución de Linux que uses: Rocky Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, SUSE, etc
  • 📚Cuaderno de ejercicios y casos prácticos con soluciones para que practiques mucho durante el curso.
  • 🗂️Documentación de apoyo en pdf con una selección de enlaces y recursos de interés.
  • 📑Una copia de las diapositivas que usamos en la clase
  • 🧪Un entorno de laboratorio a la medida del curso disponible 24×7
  • 📃Diploma de aprovechamiento
  • 🧑‍🎓Posibilidad de prepararse para obtener una certificación oficial (LPIC, RHCSA, SLE, etc)
  • 👩‍💻Entorno de aula virtual (aunque nos desplazamos a todo el mundo y también os invitamos a venir a nuestras oficinas en Madrid, España).

We help you in your transition to Linux

+ 12000

Students trained since 2005

+ 200

Satisfied customers

+ 30

Role-oriented Linux courses and workshops

Consulta nuestro catálogo de formación en Linux (o pídenos lo que necesites)

Cursos introductorios 

Preparación de las certificaciones del Linux Profesional Institute (LPI)

Preparación de las certificaciones de administrador e ingeniero (Red Hat & SUSE)

Formación específica por sector

  • LZ01 – Linux para diseño gráfico, animación, 3D, video y multimedia
  • LZ02 – Linux para proveedores de servicios (MSPs)
  • LZ03 – Linux para sistemas industriales
  • LZ04 – Linux para hackers éticos y auditores de seguridad informática

Openshift Container Platform

Automatización y devops

Talleres cortos

cursos linux lpi
lpic certificacion
cursos red hat linux
certificacion red hat rhce
certificacion suse linux