SUSE and Red Hat Linux Consulting and Support

On IBM Power10 with PowerVM or x86 with KVM, your choice (or we help you to do it)

SUSE Linux Enterprise and Red Hat Enterprise (RHEL) provide the most advanced foundation for your most critical workloads with the enterprise support you need. With them you will have scalable and flexible solutions that evolve with your business needs.

Our specialists are able to configure an environment based on any of these distributions to suit your needs, including load testing and performance tuning for IBM Power10 servers with PowerVM or x86 with KVM.

Based on your “Enterprise” or community versions (CentOS, Rocky Linux, Alma Linux, Open SUSE), we will offer you specific solutions:

  • Automation and orchestration: Thanks to Ansible Automation Plaftorm / AWX we can optimize and streamline the processes of deployment, administration and maintenance of systems.
  • Deployment consulting: Assistance in planning and executing the deployment of SUSE or Red Hat Linux in an enterprise environment, including complex HA deployments using PaceMaker, DRBD, GFS2, GPFS or CEPH.
  • Server configuration: Configuration and optimization of SUSE or Red Hat Linux-based servers to improve system efficiency and security.
  • Backup and disaster recovery: Implementation and configuration of backup and recovery solutions, such as Veeam or IBM Spectrum Protect, to protect and recover company data.
  • Containers (kubernetes): With OpenShift and Rancher, our favorite container orchestrators.
  • Repository management: We are specialists in Foreman and Katello, the base of Red Hat Satellite (but in its community and free version). Coordinate updates to all your systems and integrate your operations with Ansible.
  • System monitoring and management: Implementation and configuration of system monitoring and management solutions, such as Nagios, to keep systems in optimal conditions and receive alerts in case of any problem.
  • Security: Implementation and configuration of security solutions, such as firewalls and intrusion monitoring, to protect the company’s systems and data.
  • Storage services: Implementation and configuration of storage solutions, such as LVM, to improve the management and use of available space on systems.
  • Virtualization solutions: Implementation and configuration of solutions such as PowerVM and KVM, to improve scalability and system resource utilization. Also private cloud with OpenStack or open virtualization environments with Proxmox and oVirt.

We Love Linux for SAP HANA and Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Power

We love Linux and we love Power. Bringing together the best of both technologies: an open and flexible operating system, bombproof hardware with a hypervisor, PowerVM that delivers performance and out-of-this-world security. Together and with our almost 20 years of experience, we design and implement infrastructures that last and last, on which to deploy SAP HANA, Red Hat OpenShift and other solutions, saving a lot of money in licenses and avoiding more than one scare in terms of information security.


  • Tenemos experiencia de más de 15 años en soporte técnico Linux, lo que significa que podemos ofrecer una solución personalizada y altamente eficaz para los problemas de la empresa.
  • 📞 Comunicación directa: al trabajar con nosotros, nuestros clientes tienen acceso directo a los ingenieros que brindarán el soporte, lo que permite una comunicación más efectiva y eficiente.
  • ⏱️ Menor tiempo de respuesta:  tenemos un menor tiempo de respuesta, más rápido que los grandes proveedores de servicios gestionados. Esto significa significa que los problemas se resuelven de manera más efectiva y eficiente.
  • 🔄 Mayor flexibilidad: ofrecemos un enfoque más personalizado y flexible para los clientes, de tal manera que puedan adaptarse mejor a las necesidades específicas de la empresa.
  • 💰  Un precio justo: nuestros clientes pagan solo por nuestra experiencia y apoyo en sus proyectos, ahorrándose intermediarios que no aportan valor y si costes adicionales.