LPIC-1 Certification Preparation Course

We have been training successive candidates for the Linux Professional Institute (LPIC) certifications for years, the only widely recognized, vendor-independent certifications on the market.
Our courses consist of 25 hours, proprietary materials and hands-on labs designed by our experts.

GNU/Linux System Architecture

  • GNU/Linux system architecture.
  • Command line basics.
  • Linux terminal options.
  • Use of the terminal.
  • Run a terminal.
  • Internal and external commands.
  • Terminal configuration.
  • Tricks in the terminal.
  • Using environment variables.
  • Help on Linux.
  • Flows, pipes and redirections.
  • Types of data flow.
  • Redirecting input and output.
  • Passing data between programs.
  • Generating command lines.
  • Processing text with filters.
  • File transformation commands.
  • Converting tabs to spaces with EXPAND.
  • File format commands.
  • Commands for displaying files.
  • Commands to summarize files.
  • Using regular expressions.

2. Linux Installation and Package Managers

  • Package concepts.
  • Using RPM.
  • Using Debian packages.
  • Reconfiguring packages.
  • Solutions for package dependency problems.
  • Manage shared libraries.
  • Process management.

3. GNU and UNIX commands

  • Configuring the bios and hardware kernel.
  • Configure USB devices.
  • Configure the hard disks.
  • Design the structure of hard disks.

4. Devices, Linux File System and Standard Hierarchy

  • Managing files in Linux.
  • File commands.
  • File archiving commands.
  • Manage links.
  • Manage file ownership.
  • Controlling access to files.

5. Linux Startup and File Editing, Shell Scripting and DB Management

  • Installation of the boot loaders.
  • Use lilo as boot loader.
  • Using grub as boot loader.
  • The start-up process.
  • The execution modes and the initialization process.
  • Manage the services of the execution modes.
  • Editing files with vi.
  • Customize and work in the shell environment.
  • Edit and write simple scripts.
  • SQL administration.

1. User Interfaces and Graphical Managers
  • X11 installation and configuration.
  • Configuration of the Graphic Manager.
  • Accessibility.

Administrative Tasks

  • Management of user accounts and groups with their respective files.
  • Automate system administrative tasks with scheduled jobs (cron).
  • Localization and internationalization.

Essential System Services

  • Maintenance of the system clock.
  • System registration.
  • Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).
  • Printer Management.

4. Networking Fundamentals

  • Fundamentals of Internet Protocols.
  • Basic network configuration.
  • Resolution of basic network errors.
  • Configure a client-side DNS server.

5. System Security

  • Perform administrative security tasks.
  • Configure the machine safety.
  • Data security using encryption (GPG).
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