IBM Informix 14.10 and InformixHQ – New Features Course

Discover all the new features of the latest Informix release, including improved replication and monitoring with InformixHQ

Audience and course objectives

This workshop complements our catalogue of official IBM courses, recently updated to version 14.10 of Informix.

It is oriented to database administrators with a lot of previous experience with the product. We will review the main new features of the latest version of this solution focusing on the new reference architectures. We will talk about its deployment in containers and cloud, as well as InformixHQ monitoring. If you are interested in the administration of Informix we have more extensive courses that may be of interest to you.


0 – Introduction to what’s new
1 – Installing and upgrading Informix 14.10
2 – New SQL Features
3 – New Java Features
4 – Improvements in CSDK V.4.50.XC4
5 – Improved Instance Management
6 – Migration Utilities
7 – Replication improvements
8 – InformixHQ
9 – IBM CloudPak for Data

Course length and delivery options

This course is given in two mornings from 10am to 1pm. It can be taught in person once the health conditions allow it or online through our virtual classroom.

Need help with Informix? Do you want to try it?

At Sixe Ingeniería we are BP of IBM. We sell, install and provide technical support for your DB2 and Informix databases. We also conduct tailor-made training, seminars and technical talks. Ask for a demonstration of the product without obligation.

Our added value

Our courses are deeply oriented to the role to play. It is not the same the needs of mastering a technology for a team of developers, as it is for the people in charge of deploying and managing the infrastructure.

That’s why, beyond commands and tasks, we focus on solving the problems that arise in the day-to-day of each team. We provide our students with the knowledge, competencies and skills required for each project. In addition, our documentation is based on the latest version of each product.

Do you have doubts?

Request a meeting with our instructor without obligation. We will introduce you to the course, show you the materials and the laboratories.

SiXe Ingeniería
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