Sale and migration of IBM Power 10 servers for Linux, AIX and IBM i

IBM Power servers are designed to meet the challenges faced in transforming existing solutions on their path to open standards:

  • Critical Infrastructures and Environments: Oracle, DB2, Informix, SAS & SAP HANA
  • Massive real-time data analytics and Big Data solutions
  • Support for the main Deep & Machine Learning technologies.
  • Solutions based on Linux and Free SW (PostregreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, OpenStack, etc).
  • Integration into new OpenStack-compatible cloud environments
  • Reliable implementation of virtualization technologies: PowerVM, KVM and Red Hat OpenShift
  • Support for critical applications and databases on AIX and IBMi
  • IBM’s entire software portfolio ready for deployment in containers thanks to IBM CloudPak’s

Why IBM Power?

The Power10 architecture, with no bottlenecks between processor and memory: 800GB/s sustained bandwidth, yes, sustained and with all RAS features enabled, a far cry from servers based on ARM or x86 technologies. This is in addition to 8 threads per core, integration with NVIDIA GPUs and a host of virtualization and high-availability capabilities thanks to PowerVM and PowerHA

It is without a doubt, the ideal platform for the most demanding environments. Migrating to Power also significantly improves the performance of your applications, saves deployment and maintenance costs, power, and rack space. We don’t say it, Google and Rackspace say

What types of IBM Power servers are there?

Power10 servers range from 1 to 240 CPU’s and from a few GBs of memory up to 64TB, with models and configurations for all needs. From virtualizing an entire data center on an E1080 system to consolidating a small IBMi or AIX application on an S1024. Consult us without obligation, or check the technical data sheets of each model:

Scale-Out (1-2 sockets / up to 48 CPUs and 8TB RAM): S1024 & S1022

Mid-Range (4 sockets / up to 96 CPUs and 16TB RAM): E1050

Enterprise (4-16 sockets / up to 240 CPUs and 64TB RAM): E1080

Not to mention specific configurations for SAP HANA, Oracle, Informix and DB2.


As IBM Business Partners and authorized resellers of Power and Storage servers, we offer you up-to-date support and full product knowledge, from solution design to installation, deployment and maintenance of the solution.
installation, deployment and maintenance of the solution.
We have up to date technical certifications in PowerVM, AIX, IBM i, Red Hat and SUSE Linux as well as extensive experience in large European Tier 1 customer environments. We also provide our services directly and without intermediaries.

Contact us without obligation
