Technology Radar Service

Our continuous technology radar service enables you to make the right strategic decisions on the adoption of new trends in technology and cybersecurity. We offer permanent support on products, manufacturers, methodologies, architectures and solutions with a focus on the long term.

What are the objectives of our Technology Radar?

  • Find the solutions that best suit your organization, filtering critically and based on our experience among all available options.
  • Avoid (as much as possible) making bad decisions. How often does a great presentation turn into a failed project? How much do the salespeople who sell it know about technology? We are at your side to advise you and ask the necessary questions at the right time. Both internally (CISO, CTO, CFO, CEO) and externally (partners, manufacturers, customers and suppliers).
  • Assess the degree of maturity of the different technologies and their returns in the short, medium and long term.
  • Assist in the elaboration of business impact analysis.
  • Anticipate changes avoiding abrupt technology leaps and failed projects.
  • Advise on how to use technology budgets in the most efficient way possible, maximizing returns and minimizing potential risks.
  • To avoid being left behind in the face of competition and rapid changes in the market.
  • Accelerate returns on disruptive investments: machine learning, massive data analysis, cloud services, high availability, server architecture changes, new storage technologies, micro-services, new programming languages, etc.
  • Adapt to new methodologies, procedures, design patterns and best practices in software and systems engineering.
  • Design a 1, 3 and 5 year digital transformation plan that takes into account all the specificities of your business.
  • Improve cybersecurity threat prevention, detection and response capabilities.

Benefits of the Technology Radar

We seek to optimize the technology budget, investing in human capital, the right technologies for the needs of the organization and choose correctly among the hundreds of trends in cybersecurity.
Relying on facts and practical experience in pre-sales, deployments and technical support accumulated over many years.

radar tecnologico

To whom it is addressed

Our service helps IT system managers and managers of companies or departments with a heavy investment in technology. Executives aware of the need to strengthen cybersecurity capabilities from a cross-cutting, strategic and long-term vision approach who seek external, independent and neutral advice to help them improve strategic decision-making processes in technology.

Our added value

Our Technology Radar services take advantage of our more than 20 years of experience as partners of major vendors such as IBM, Canonical, Dell, Red Hat or Lenovo and the experience accumulated with our more than 100 customers around the world, including the successful ones and also the ones that did not make it.

We put at the service of our clients all our experience selling and implementing for years all kinds of solutions to be able to advise in a NEUTRAL way. Seeking only the achievement of the objectives agreed by the technology management of the organizations for which we work.
