Migrar de oracle

How to get out of Oracle ULA and save up to 60% by migrating to IBM Power

Exiting an Oracle Unlimited License Agreement (ULA) contract and migrating to IBM Power systems can be a complex process, but executed well, it can offer significant savings and long-term benefits. In this article, we will explore how to make this transition effectively and without penalties, based on real examples.

Understanding Oracle ULA

First, it is essential to understand what an Oracle ULA entails. It’s a contract that Oracle bought from a third-party company and continues to scare and delight in equal parts. Allows unlimited use of certain Oracle software products for a specified period of time, usually between 3 and 5 years. At the end of the ULA contract, the company must declare the use of these products and this becomes their “certification” for future license audits. There is a famous saying that it is better to know the bad than to know the good. And another that the devil is in the details. In the case of Oracle, no two ULAs are the same. They are all based on the same premise “when Oracle believes it can get money from its customer”. But beyond that, there are rules of the game that, once understood, allow us to help our clients.

Steps to Exit the Oracle ULA

  1. Initial audit: Prior to the completion of the ULA, we conduct an internal audit to fully understand your current usage of Oracle products. This includes identifying which products are essential and which can be replaced or discarded.
  2. Future needs analysis: We evaluate the future needs of your company in terms of software and databases. This step is crucial to determine whether the transition to IBM Power is feasible and what the potential savings are.
  3. Third-party licensing contract review: Since Oracle contracts can be complex, it is advisable to work with specialized Oracle licensing consultants. They can help you understand the implications of your ULA and how to get out of it without incurring penalties.
  4. We negotiate with Oracle: We help you negotiate a new agreement that best suits your current and future needs.
  5. Migration planning: Develop a detailed plan to migrate from Oracle to IBM Power.

Migration to IBM Power

Migrating to IBM Power involves moving Oracle database and application workloads to an IBM environment. This may include the use of IBM Db2, which is known for its high performance and security.

  1. Compatibility assessment: We ensure that your current applications are compatible with IBM Power. Oracle is Oracle in all its current and future versions, but there can always be an application that requires some modification to change architecture (we do it every day and without problems).
  2. Design of the new environment: Based on the previous audit, we design a new secure, simple, powerful and stable environment adapted to your needs and budget.
  3. IBM Power Implementation: We help you acquire and deploy IBM Power. We configure the necessary databases and applications.
  4. Data Migration: We move data from Oracle to IBM Power, ensuring that data integrity is maintained during the process.
  5. Performance, HA and DR testing: Perform extensive testing to ensure that all applications and databases function correctly in the new environment.
  6. Training and technical support: We train your team in the use of the new platform and if you need it, you can use our preventive maintenance and technical support services to help them.

More things to like about Oracle in Power

We have official and supported Ansible playbooks to automate all deployments and day 2 operations:

Lots of documentation:


And at SIXE, as an official IBM training provider, we ensure that your technical teams master the platform within weeks. As technicians ourselves, we guarantee that they will be very grateful for the change.



How much budget can I save by migrating Oracle to IBM Power?

In terms of costs, migrating from Oracle to IBM Power can result in significant savings, although these vary from customer to customer. Real-world examples have shown savings of 20% to 60% in total cost of ownership (TCO) by migrating from Oracle to alternative solutions such as IBM. These savings come from lower licensing costs, reduced need for high-performance hardware due to the efficiency of IBM Power, and lower maintenance and support costs.

But Oracle licenses for Power are more expensive!

True, but we have customers where we can do with 25 Power10 cores the same as with 100 in an Exadata, but IBM Power is not restricted to Oracle (although there are more than 80,000 installations worldwide). You can deploy OpenShift, SAP HANA or any other workload running on SUSE, Red Hat, AIX and IBMi. In reality, the most common use case is the consolidation of all Exadata and most x86 servers into one Power10 in each data center. Running everything on a hypervisor that is at another level, where instead of “mapping cpus” as KVM or VMWare does, the capacity of each one is shared in real time, gaining in overall system utilization as well as performance. Exadatas have been a great marketing achievement, but they are neither cheaper, nor do they deliver better performance or provide the security of IBM Power.


Exiting an Oracle ULA contract and migrating to IBM Power is perfectly feasible. By doing this correctly, not only can penalties be avoided but also considerable cost savings can be achieved, while improving the efficiency and technological adaptability of the company. It is essential to have the support of licensing experts and conduct a thorough analysis to ensure a successful transition.

We do not expect to have convinced you, but perhaps we could talk without obligation, discuss any questions and, if you find it interesting, perform a feasibility analysis free of charge . In the worst case, you renew the ULA as is. Just kidding (or not) :)

Logo AIX

Looking for an alternative to Oracle on Solaris? Try AIX (or Linux) on IBM Power!

At SIXE we love Solaris, and have worked with many SPARC machines for many years. Unfortunately, its life cycle is coming to an end, but not that of its Oracle databases (nor its not at all cheap per-processor licenses). What are the alternatives? This is what we thinkbased on our experience. As a systems integrator, we specialize in mission-critical environments. We work hard to design them, configure them and keep them secure and available 24x7x365. Our natural choice is IBM Power with AIX (for Oracle, DB2 or Informix) and Linux for new workloads with open source databases. Within proprietary environments, Oracle 19c and 21c databases form a large part of our customers’ installed base. Legacy SAP environments and a wide variety of applications depend on them.

Why choose IBM Power for Oracle?

We are going to give you five reasons to try, if not to convince you, at least to make you want to talk to us and discuss it in more detail. Those of you who know us know that we are generally better engineers than sales people. For those who don’t, you will soon find out why. Here we go!

1. It is a better long-term investment

As long term as SPARC machines have been with so many customers. When you have a Power20 you will be able to prove us right. It is a robust, secure, high-performance architecture with full support for UNIX (AIX) and Linux environments. In fact, before Oracle bought Sun, the Power-AIX-Oracle combination was even in TV commercials. Much of IBM’s UNIX server technology was designed for large Oracle, DB2 and Informix databases. Oracle marketing says their bet is Exadatas based on OracleLinux , but more than 80,000 customers worldwide use Power. There must be a reason.

2. If you want, you can keep or switch to UNIX (and this is not a joke).

Although we love Linux, containers, free software and all this world, we think that there is no more stable environment for a critical database (other than HOST / IBM Z) and secure than AIX. It is a modern UNIX, flexible, compatible with hundreds of free software packages and extremely easy to use. If you come from Solaris, you’ll see that they are first cousins and at SIXE we give you the Training you need, or a L2 and L3 support for the entire infrastructure throughout the lifecycle of the machines so that you only have to worry about the database or your applications. Many are surprised that we execute Oracle Linux to AIX migration projects, but it’s all advantages for customers and their system administrators. AIX is a UNIX will remain with us, just like FreeBSD or MacOS for many reasons. Even so, if for whatever reason you prefer Red Hat or SUSE, they also work perfectly well, although Oracle only supports them on its Z systems (LinuxOne). But the other Oracle alternatives like PostgreSQL / EnterpriseDB, MongoDB or MariaDB work great and have full support for all Linux distributions running on Power (ppc64le). Also free ones such as Alma, Rocky Linux and OpenSUSE.

You are going to save many, many thousands or hundreds of thousands of Euros.

IBM has for many years migrated to Power the micro-partitioning technologies of processors from Mainframe environments. This means that you can allocate the portions of processors you need with extreme flexibility and reliability. For example you can buy 10 Oracle licenses and run 20 virtual machines on a 24-core physical machine. You do not have to license the entire machine. In addition, each IBM Power core performs approximately 3 to 4 times as well as an equivalent generation x86 core. Oracle’s Exadatas are (in our opinion) more expensive, less reliable and less secure.

4. You radically reduce the attack surface.

We have many customers who have been attacked with ransomware (and worse). No Power system upgraded, maintained and with our PowerSC-based cybersecurity solution has been affected. And we’re going to state the obvious, but most malicious code is not compiled for Power environments :P Just as your money is safer in a Z / s390 environment, your database will probably live more peacefully in ppc64. And don’t worry, we are heading towards a multi-architecture world, where there will be more and more freedom to choose whether you want ARM, x86, ppc64le or RISC-V. Or don’t you know anyone with a MAC?

5. It is very well documented, works by default and you can automate it.

There are hundreds of guides for architecture, deployment, administration, problem determination and general day 2 operations. Also in the case of AIX, the default kernel setting is optimized for large databases such as Oracle. In addition, the Power architecture has no bottlenecks between processor and memory, with very good performance on SMT-4 and SMT-8. You can also automate most administration tasks with Ansible. There is
updated collections
developed by IBM and Red Hat.

Services for Oracle on AIX / Power by SIXE

SIXE offers specialized Oracle services in IBM Power
providing a smooth and efficient transition, with full support and resource optimization, ensuring a successful migration and operation, taking into account the needs of availability, performance and security. We can help you with:

In conclusion: migrating Oracle from SPARC / Solaris to IBM Power with AIX (or Linux) is not only a smart decision in terms of performance and support, but also an investment and strategic decision. Contact us!

Migrate to SAP HANA, 2027 is here. Tips and recommendations.

What does IBM Power10 for SAP HANA bring us?

Imagine a world where SAP HANA and IBM Power10 come together, like Batman and Robin in the world of technology. IBM Power is not just a server; it’s like a superhero of efficiency and security. What if I told you that running SAP HANA on IBM Power10 is like trading a bicycle for a rocket? It’s often true and we can prove it with performance metrics!

Why choose IBM Power10 for SAP HANA?

Well, here comes the dilemma. Some say that switching to IBM Power10 is like trying to teach your grandfather how to use TikTok. But did you know that SAP HANA runs best on IBM Power10, especially with operating systems like SUSE and Red Hat Linux? It’s as if these operating systems were designed with Power10 in mind. The reason? Superior performance, unmatched security and energy efficiency that would make traditional x86-based servers blush.

Frequently Asked Questions about SAP HANA and IBM Power10

Is it Difficult to Migrate to IBM Power10 for SAP HANA?

Migrating to SAP HANA on IBM Power10 is easier than you think, and the benefits are enormous. Imagine better performance, greater safety and energy savings. SAP, Red Hat and SUSE all have the same packages for Power (ppc64le) as x86. Your system administrators and SAP environment administrators will not notice any difference. The HW is different, but only for the better. Well configured by our specialists, it does not fail, does not give performance problems and is very secure. Oh, and the administration is graphical and simple.

What are the Benefits of Using SUSE and Red Hat Linux on IBM Power10?

Here’s the secret sauce! Both SUSE and Red Hat Linux fit IBM Power10 like a glove. These operating systems take advantage of Power10’s unique capabilities, because they have been running on Power for many, many years. In fact, it is the only architecture supported for deploying multiple productive and non-productive environments on the same systems.

Conclusion: The winning combination for SAP HANA is IBM Power10.

In short, migrating to SAP HANA on IBM Power10 on your favorite Linux distribution is a natural choice. With SUSE and Red Hat Linux, this platform becomes an oasis of performance and reliability. And well, everything that is not migrated to HANA can continue to run for many years smoothly and securely on AIX. Don’t get left behind and join the IBM Power10 and SAP HANA revolution!

End of support for IBM Power 8, V7000, V5000, AIX 7.1 and IBM 7.1 What do we do?

The challenge of end-of-support and end-of-life products

With the announcement of the end of support for IBM Power 8, V7000, V5000, AIX 7.1, and IBM i 7.1, many companies face uncertainty about how to maintain their critical operations. This scenario presents a significant challenge in terms of IT infrastructure, software lifecycle management and, above all, budget.

SIXE’s comprehensive solution

At SIXE Ingeniería, with our extensive experience in IBM systems, we offer customized solutions to overcome these challenges, starting with a free, no-obligation audit of your current systems. Spoiler: we are not always going to try to sell you or recommend a new machine or system.

Obsolescence? Yes and no!

The fact that servers end their life cycle after 10 years does not mean that they stop working, nor that we necessarily need to buy new ones. With good preventive maintenance and adequate contingency policies (backup systems, spare parts, high availability) the life cycle can be extended for a few more years, always aligned with the licensing, availability and performance needs that we audit at the beginning of each project.

Design and migration to new systems (Power10, Flash System, etc.)

Sooner or later, at once or in several phases, it will be time to migrate (Power8 to Power10, V7000 to FS7300, etc). Migration to new environments while maintaining full compatibility with our customers’ applications, databases and processes is a key project. SIXE Ingeniería will assist and accompany you in this process, ensuring a seamless transition with maximum efficiency. In the process, we will help you save a lot of money on licenses and put in place a new infrastructure that will last 5 or 10 years more. Always avoiding the most common mistakes in hardware upgrades.

Consolidation of existing systems

With the new generations of IBM servers and enclosures, we will reduce the footprint in the data center by requiring fewer systems, less power and less space to do the same things. We will help you to consolidate the environments and achieve a smooth utilization of more than 80% performance. Something that in the case of servers
we always achieve with Power10

Lifecycle Extension: IBM technical support and preventive maintenance

Regardless of the life cycle of the machines and their software, SIXE Ingeniería provides technical support and preventive maintenance, thus prolonging the useful life of the systems and ensuring their optimal operation. We believe in the right to repair, but we prefer that good preventive maintenance avoids having to do so.

License Compliance: IBM License Audits

A crucial aspect is license compliance. SIXE Ingeniería offers the following serviceslicense audits IBM, ensuring that companies comply with all legal requirements and avoid risks associated with manufacturer audits.


The end of support for IBM Power 8, V7000, V5000, AIX 7.1 and IBM i 7.1 does not have to be a path to obsolescence. With SIXE Ingeniería’s expertise and services, our clients can surf these changes with confidence and ensure a solid and sustainable technological future. All this with a predictable and contained cost 3, 5, 7 or 10 years ahead.

New redbook! Red Hat Ansible for AIX, IBM i and Linux on IBM Power

Today we are in luck, IBM has just published the draft of the reedbook that we have been waiting for months. In it we will see how the integration of Ansible in IBM Power environments has opened a new world of possibilities for the automated administration of this type of systems, thanks to the growing support from Red Hat: not only for the different Linux distributions, but also for AIX, IBM i, HMC consoles and VIOS servers, fundamental components of the IBM Power platform.

Ansible, the leading-edge automation technology, has found fertile ground in the robust and powerful IBM Power systems. With its sophisticated architecture and support for a variety of operating systems, IBM Power is positioned as an ideal choice for companies seeking exceptional performance and reliable security. Incorporating Ansible into this environment not only improves operational efficiency but also opens up new avenues for application and infrastructure management as code.

The heart of the Ansible revolution in IBM Power lies in its ability to efficiently orchestrate and automate complex tasks. From application deployment to patch management and security configuration, Ansible simplifies traditionally time-consuming processes. Its declarative language, based on YAML and Jinja2, allows users to describe their infrastructures in simple terms, making automation accessible even to those with no programming experience (and perhaps no desire or need to learn).

In addition, Ansible facilitates automated application deployment on Power servers, deftly handling everything from Node.js deployments to multi-tier application orchestration such as OpenShift or OpenStack. This versatility makes it an indispensable tool for day-to-day operations in Linux, AIX and IBM i environments, covering critical aspects such as storage, security, and configuration settings.

A draft of this redbook is available at https://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpieces/pdfs/sg248551.pdf.

How ACME saved your business with FS7300 and safe-guarded copies

Today ransomware attacks have become a constant threat to businesses of all sizes. An effective solution to this challenge is the use of protected copies on advanced storage systems such as those offered by IBM’s FS7300 storage systems. This article explores a case in which a customer, which we will call ACME, was able to recover its critical systems in minutes after a ransomware attack, thanks to the capabilities of the FS7300 cockpit.

A key technology: IBM Safe-guarded copies

Protected copies on IBM FS7300 systems are replicas of data that are stored securely and isolated within the same system. These copies are not accessible for normal modification or deletion, making them immune to malware attacks such as ransomware.

Our client

ACME is a leading financial services provider in a North African country that recently faced a sophisticated ransomware attack in November 2023. This attack encrypted a significant amount of their critical data, affecting essential operations. Fortunately, I had recently implemented IBM’s FS7300 storage cabinet, which included the protected copy feature and which SIXE had scheduled to run on a regular basis. An alert from IBM Storage Protect warned that more files than normal had been modified during planned backups.

Response to Attack

When ACME became aware of the attack, its IT team acted quickly. Using the protected copies stored in their FS7300 cabinet, they were able to restore the affected data in a matter of minutes. This rapid recovery was made possible by the efficient data management and instantaneous recovery capability of the FS7300 system.

Key Benefits

The ability to recover quickly from a ransomware attack is crucial to maintaining business continuity. In the case of ACME, IBM’s FS7300 booth provided:

  1. Fast Recovery: Data restoration was almost instantaneous, minimizing downtime.
  2. Data Integrity: Protected copies ensured that the restored data was free from corruption or tampering.
  3. Uninterrupted Operations: Rapid recovery allowed critical business operations to continue without significant interruption.

This case demonstrates how an advanced storage solution such as IBM’s FS7300 array, equipped with copy-protected technology, can be a lifesaver in crisis situations such as ransomware attacks. It provides not only an additional layer of security, but also the confidence that business data can be recovered quickly and efficiently, ensuring business continuity in times of uncertainty and constant threats.

IBM Storage CEPH vs. Storage Scale (GPFS), GFS2, NFS and SMB

IBM Storage CEPH is a software-defined storage solution based on open source ceph technology that is gaining more and more followers. It offers a scalable, resilient and high-performance storage system. It is especially suited for environments that require massive, distributed storage, such as data centers, cloud applications and big data environments.

What are the main Use Cases?

  1. Object Storage: Ideal for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, such as images, videos and backup files.
  2. Block Storage: Used for file systems, databases and virtual machines, offering high availability and performance.
  3. Distributed File Systems: Supports applications that require concurrent access to files from multiple nodes.

Technical Fundamentals

  • Scalable Structure: It is based on a distributed architecture that allows scaling horizontally, adding more nodes as needed.
  • High Availability: Designed to be resilient to failures, with redundancy and automatic data recovery.
  • Data Consistency: Ensures data integrity and consistency even in high concurrency environments.

Comparison with other storage solutions

  1. Versus GPFS (IBM Spectrum Scale):
    • CEPH is best suited for environments where massive scalability and a highly flexible storage infrastructure are needed.
    • GPFS offers superior performance in environments where high I/O throughput and efficient management of large numbers of small files is required.
  2. Before NFS and SMB:
    • NFS and SMB are shared storage protocols that work well for sharing files on local networks. CEPH offers a more robust and scalable solution for large-scale and distributed environments.
    • CEPH provides greater fault tolerance and more efficient data management for large data volumes.
  3. Vs GFS2:
    • GFS2 is suitable for cluster environments with shared data access, but CEPH offers superior scalability and flexibility.
    • CEPH excels in object and block storage scenarios, while GFS2 focuses more on file storage.

When is GPFS (Storage Scale) a better solution than CEPH?

When very high I/O performance is required

  • GPFS is designed to provide very high I/O performance, especially in environments requiring high input/output (I/O) throughput and low latency. It is particularly effective in applications that handle large numbers of small files or in environments with heavy I/O workloads.

If we have to manage small files in a very efficient manner

  • GPFS excels at efficiently managing large numbers of small files, a common scenario in high-performance computing and analysis environments.

In HPC environments

  • In high performance computing (HPC) environments, where consistency and reliability are crucial along with high performance, GPFS provides a more robust and optimized platform.

When we need advanced functions such as an ILM

  • For applications that require advanced handling of unstructured data with features such as data deduplication, compression and data lifecycle management, GPFS can have more specialized functions.


In summary, GPFS is preferable to CEPH in scenarios where high I/O throughput, efficient small file management, and in HPC environments where consistency and reliability are as important as performance. In addition, in environments that are already deeply integrated with IBM solutions, GPFS can offer better synergy and optimized performance.

However, in our opinion, IBM CEPH is best suited in scenarios where a highly scalable storage solution is required, with object, block and file storage capabilities, and where data integrity and availability are critical. It stands out compared to NFS, SMB and GFS2 in terms of scalability, flexibility and ability to handle large volumes of distributed data.

That is, neither one nor the other, it all depends on the workloads and use cases. Contact us!

Migrating from Lustre FS to IBM Storage Scale (GPFS)

In this article we tell you how we migrated in SIXE HPC environments from LUSTRE to GPFS, well, now called IBM Storage Scale (and not long ago Spectrum Scale). As you know, High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments play a critical role in scientific research, engineering and innovation in a wide variety of fields. To take full advantage of the potential of these infrastructures, an efficient, high-performance storage system is essential. One of the most widely used parallel file systems in HPC environments is Lustre FS, but sometimes migrating to more advanced and versatile solutions becomes a necessity. In this article, we will explore the migration process from Lustre FS to IBM Storage Scale (formerly known as GPFS) in an HPC infrastructure composed of hundreds of compute nodes with internal or external storage, connected to a high-performance network, such as InfiniBand or 10G Ethernet.

Why migrate to IBM Storage Scale (GPFS)?

IBM Storage Scale, formerly known as GPFS (General Parallel File System), is a highly scalable and robust parallel file system designed for high-performance applications, including HPC environments. As storage and performance needs continue to grow in HPC environments, migrating to a solution like IBM Storage Scale can offer significant benefits:

  1. Scalability: IBM Storage Scale can scale horizontally to accommodate an increase in the amount of data and compute nodes seamlessly. This is essential in HPC environments where workloads can be extremely storage demanding.
  2. High performance: IBM Storage Scale is designed for high read and write performance, making it ideal for HPC applications that require fast and efficient access to large data sets.
  3. Stability and security: IBM Storage Scale is known for its reliability and security. It offers fault tolerance features that ensure the availability of critical data at all times. Data that can be protected with encryption when necessary.
  4. Integration with HPC environments: IBM Storage Scale integrates well with high-performance networks used in HPC environments, such as InfiniBand or 10G Ethernet, simplifying the transition.
  5. Support: SIXE provides ongoing support and maintenance for Storage Scale, ensuring that your storage system is backed by a company with over 20 years of experience in this technology. We do this through IBM, of which we are a value-added business partner.
  6. Easier architecture to deploy, scale and maintain. For us, this is the key point that makes us recommend to undertake this migration. Lustre FS from a certain scale becomes complex to manage, monitor and update, while GPFS works perfectly in 90% of the scenarios with few additional adjustments.

Planning the migration from Lustre FS

Migrating a parallel file system in an HPC infrastructure is a complex and critical task that requires careful planning. Here are some key steps to consider:

  1. Requirements assessment: Before beginning the migration, it is essential to understand the storage and performance requirements of your HPC workload. This will help determine the optimal IBM Storage Scale configuration. We need to understand the use cases and the specific needs of the environment. Also those points where Lustre FS worked particularly well or poorly :)
  2. Architecture design: We design the best possible architecture for IBM Storage Scale taking into account the topology of your high-performance network, storage and compute node distribution. This should be done in a manner that minimizes or eliminates downtime during migration. It is in this phase where we will decide whether to use IBM COS (Cloud Object Storage), ESS (Elastic Storage) or Spectrum Scale (GPFS) deployed directly on the storage servers, compute, or both.
  3. Data preparation: We make sure your data is organized and ready for migration. This may involve cleaning up unwanted data or reorganizing existing data.
  4. Development environment testing: Before migration to production, we perform extensive testing in a development environment to identify potential issues and adjust the configuration as needed.
  5. Hot migration planning: We determine the best time to perform the live migration, minimizing the impact on HPC operations. This may require scheduling the migration during periods of low activity. Storage Scale has several functionalities that enable a non-stop migration of environments. This is essential as data movement can take days to complete.
  6. Migration execution: We carry out the migration following the elaborated plan. This may include data transfer and IBM Storage Scale configuration.
  7. Testing and validation: We perform extensive testing to ensure that all data has been successfully migrated and that the new storage system meets performance requirements.
  8. Training: We provide training to users and IT staff to enable them to adapt to the new file system.
  9. Ongoing maintenance and support: Develop an ongoing maintenance plan to ensure that your storage system performs optimally over time.


Migrating from Lustre FS to IBM Storage Scale (formerly GPFS) in an HPC infrastructure can be a challenging but rewarding task. In doing so, research centers and organizations can take advantage of a highly scalable, reliable and high-performance parallel file system. However, thorough planning, testing and proper training are critical to ensure a successful migration and minimize any disruption to HPC operations.

If you are considering a migration to IBM Storage Scale, we offer you to do it in close collaboration with SIXE. We are storage experts and specialist HPC consultants to ensure that the transition is as smooth and effective as possible. With the right approach and the right investment of time and resources, you can significantly improve the ability of your HPC infrastructure to support high-performance research and applications in the future.

AlmaLinux and OpenSUSE Leap on IBM Power / ppc64le (emulated with QEMU from a x86 box)

(Disclaimer: this article has been written  for our blog at IBM)

Getting started

 If you want to explore the Linux distributions that run on IBM Power (ppc64le) but lack the latter, you can emulate it thanks to QEMU. You can check the Linux compatibility matrices in Power at the following link, and decide which distribution and version you want to try :)

 Like any other HW architecture emulation, it has challenges. What inspired me to write this article was this inspiring tutorial, Run a full-system Linux on Power environment from Microsoft Windows, by Emma Erickson and Paul Clarke. I wanted to suggest a more “user-friendly” approach, the network running by default and a GUI to explore all the options available or to modify existing deployments. 

For this demo, I will be using a standard (and cheap) x86 box running the latest Ubuntu (23.04) and the packages included in the distribution itself. No need to compile anything.

System preparation

This is my system, but it should work on any x86 machine with virtualization capabilities.

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model

model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1410 v2 @ 2.80GHz

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 23.04
Release:        23.04
Codename:       lunar

We make sure all updates are applied and reboot.

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ sudo reboot

I will use virt-manager as a GUI for QEMU, which would help me (or any other “QEMU newbie”). It’s just what people are used to doing with Virtualbox or VMWare Player, and that’s why I like it :)

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ sudo apt install -y qemu-system-ppc qemu-kvm virt-manager virtinst libvirt-clients bridge-utils

In my case, I ssh from Windows WSL, redirecting the X. Another option would be to provide a minimal graphical environment and connect via RDP or VNC.

~$ ssh -X ubuntu@sixe-dev

Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.

Welcome to Ubuntu 23.04 (GNU/Linux 6.2.0-35-generic x86_64)

Download .iso files

I will be downloading two free and open Linux distros with great support on Power. The download folder will be /var/lib/libvirt/images, which is used by virt-manager by default. 

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ sudo wget https://repo.almalinux.org/almalinux/8/isos/ppc64le/AlmaLinux-8-latest-ppc64le-minimal.iso

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ sudo wget https://download.opensuse.org/distribution/leap/15.5/iso/openSUSE-Leap-15.5-DVD-ppc64le-Media.iso

Launch the Virtual Machine Manager

Although it’s a little-known tool (unless you’re a Linux geek), it’s as simple and powerful as VirtualBox or VMware Player. It also integrates with QEMU to test operating systems on any other architecture.

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ virt-manager


Creating and installing a new VM from .iso

To install the .iso, create a new VM. Choose ppc64le as the architecture, tune CPU and memory, and add a new virtual disk. I recorded a video to show the whole process, you can skip the last part, in our case the installation GUI took almost 9 minutes to finish :)

Deploying Alma & OpenSUSE Linux on IBM Power (ppc64le) using QEMU on x86Deploying Alma & OpenSUSE Linux on IBM Power (ppc64le) using QEMU on x86

All the installation settings work. For your information, I used a default LVM configuration for storage and automatic DHCP on my NAT network device.

Here you can see the emulated CPU being detected correctly.

Once the system is installed, I recommend checking the virtual IP address

… and make sure the sshd daemon is running

hugo@almapower:~$ systemctl start sshd

So I connect from my local host using ssh

ubuntu@sixe-dev:~$ ssh root@

root@'s password:

Last login: Fri Oct 27 03:58:07 2023 from

From now on I will ssh into the VM from my host machine. This way I can copy, paste and resize the console without any problems.

Try other distros like OpenSUSE Leap

You can do the same with other distributions. In my case, the second distribution that works well is OpenSUSE Leap. 

I even installed the graphical environment.

.. as well as Firefox, and started the web browser to visit our website. You’ll need a little patience, though, as it won’t be lightning fast.

What to do now?

Your Linux is nothing special, except running on a much more secure, powerful, and stable architecture. The operation is the same as on x86. Apple has changed its architecture several times, and more and more manufacturers are betting on alternatives to x86 (see ARM).

For example, another popular Red Hat-derived distribution, Rocky Linux, includes not only x86 and ppc64le on its download page, but also ARM or s390x (Linux One / mainframe environments).

You can add other repositories or consult the database of packages available for Linux at IBM Power – https://www.ibm.com/it-infrastructure/resources/power-open-source/

As a disclaimer, although we have them running in production on LPARs with PowerVM, we have not been able to find the combination of configurations and OS versions that would allow us to run Rocky 9.2 and Ubuntu 22.10/23.04 on QEMU. So my recommendation is to try AlmaLinux or OpenSUSE. Of course, their enterprise-supported “sisters” RHEL and SUSE work just as well.

 In future articles we will discuss use cases like AWX or Kubernetes on Linux (ppc64le), emulated or real :)

I hope this article leaves you with no excuses for not trying Linux on Power.
