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IBM QRadar SIEM fundamentals training

New training updated to version 7.5.2 on IBM QRadar SIEM architecture, operations and general use. This course corresponds to IBM codes BQ103 and BQ104, revised and improved by our experts.

Audience and course objectives

This is the first of the official IBM QRadar SIEM Fundamentals courses, just updated to version 7.5.2. It is aimed at security analysts with no previous experience with the product and lasts three days. This course lays the foundation for the various product certifications. When you book this course for a private group, we offer a 1-day practical workshop for the preparation of the official certifications at no additional cost.


  • QRadar SIEM Technology Basics
  • Solution Architecture (on-premises and on-cloud)
  • Using the new QRadar User Interface (UI)
  • Log source detection and log management application administration
  • Network flow detection and configuration of QRadar Network Insights
  • Understanding the Custom Rule Engine (CRE)
  • Use Case Manager App
  • Asset Management
  • QRadar App framework and content extensions
  • Incident (offenses) management and Analyst Workflow app
  • Searches, use of filters and AQL (Ariel Query Language)
  • Automated reporting and use of the Pulse App
  • Product administration interface and basic operations (updates, user control, performance tuning, etc.)
  • Preparation for the official certifications such as administrator, analyst or deployment professional (at no additional cost)

Course length and delivery options

This course is taught over three days from 8:30am to 4pm in both EMEA and America It can be taught in person once the health conditions allow it or online through our virtual classroom.

Next guaranteed editions

  • November 2024 – QRadar Fundamentals
  • December 2024 – QRadar Advanced Topics

We organize private groups from 4 students and up!

Need help with QRadar? Do you want to try it?

At SIXE we are IBM Security BP. We sell, install and support IBM QRadar SIEM. We also conduct tailor-made training, seminars and technical talks. Ask for a demonstration of the product without obligation.

Our added value

Our courses are deeply oriented to the role to be performed. It is not the same for a team of developers to master a technology as it is for the people in charge of deploying and managing the infrastructure.

That is why, beyond commands and tasks, we focus on solving the day-to-day problems that arise in each team. We provide our students with the knowledge, competencies and skills required for each project. In addition, our documentation is based on the latest version of each product.

Do you have doubts?

Request a meeting with our instructor without obligation. We introduce you to the course, show you the materials and the laboratories.
