education News

Updated our docker, podman and kubernetes course

At SIXE, we are committed to excellence in technical training, and that is why we are pleased to announce the update of our Docker, Podman and Kubernetes course. This update includes an update to make the exercises work with the latest versions of each of these products, as well as new and more fun exercises based on Ubuntu (Canonical) nodes instead of Red Hat.

Course news:

  1. Compatibility: The course now covers the latest versions of Kubernetes (1.29) but also Docker and Podman. Ensuring that students learn with the most current and relevant tools on the market.
  2. Practices with microk8s: We have introduced specific practices with microk8s, the Kubernetes system developed by Ubuntu. This allows students to experiment with a lightweight and efficient version of Kubernetes in their own environments.
  3. Cloud environment with Scaleway: Thanks to our new partnership with Scaleway, students will have the opportunity to work in a cloud environment. This provides invaluable hands-on experience for those who want to learn how to manage and deploy applications in the cloud.

At SIXE, we understand that the technology sector is constantly evolving. Therefore, our priority is to provide our students with the most relevant skills and knowledge. This update is just one example of our ongoing commitment to educational excellence because all of our courses are delivered directly and without intermediaries.

Who is the target audience for this course?

This course is ideal for developers, system engineers and system administrators who wish to improve their skills and knowledge in containers and orchestration. It is also perfect for those looking to keep up with the latest trends in container technologies from the ground up.

How to register?

Registrations are now open and more information can be obtained through our contact form or by writing us through the chat on our website.

SiXe Ingeniería
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